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Mapdetails für 'Countdown'

US Forces vs. OpFor 

A freshly used missle launch site, Countdown has six underground missile silos dead center on the map. There are three launch doors open (You can fall to you death) and one with a missile ready to launch. The smoke and steam coming off these silod is great cover. There are two large hangers on the north and south sides of the level that can provide good cover as well, and two trucks with ladders for sniping. 

Im Spiel Mapname
letzten gespielten Runden auf 'Countdown'
Nr. gespielt am Rundendetails
1 2023-02-11 23:20:34 Details Team Deathmatch Countdown Countdown
2 2023-02-11 17:52:49 Details Team Deathmatch Countdown Countdown
3 2023-02-11 15:18:43 Details Team Deathmatch Countdown Countdown
4 2023-02-11 01:26:12 Details Team Deathmatch Countdown Countdown
5 2011-08-18 02:15:58 Details Deathmatch Countdown Countdown
6 2011-08-17 23:00:20 Details Deathmatch Countdown Countdown

Created 2005-2008 - By deltaray  Support Forums |  Ultrastats Version 0.3.16  Sponsors: CallOfDuty: World at War was made by Treyarch and published by Activision  
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