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Mapdetails für 'Ambush'
US Forces vs. OpFor 
This is an urban desert town divided horizontally by a main road, on which a convoy has been destroyed. The northern side is a shanty town, while the south side is constructed of sturdy materials and offers more stable cover. There are two drainage pipes running under the main road that run south to north. 
Im Spiel Mapname
letzten gespielten Runden auf 'Ambush'
Nr. gespielt am Rundendetails
1 2023-02-11 23:09:42 Details Team Deathmatch Ambush Ambush
2 2023-02-11 17:41:49 Details Team Deathmatch Ambush Ambush
3 2023-02-11 15:07:46 Details Team Deathmatch Ambush Ambush
4 2023-02-11 04:09:05 Details Team Deathmatch Ambush Ambush
5 2023-02-11 01:16:46 Details Team Deathmatch Ambush Ambush

Created 2005-2008 - By deltaray  Support Forums |  Ultrastats Version 0.3.16  Sponsors: CallOfDuty: World at War was made by Treyarch and published by Activision  
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